Re: SilverLake MA-RUG 2016 Silverlake Regional User Group Meeting Deposit Presentation Materials - 1 Joseph R. Burns (25 Apr 2016 21:26 UTC)

Re: SilverLake MA-RUG 2016 Silverlake Regional User Group Meeting Deposit Presentation Materials - 1 Joseph R. Burns 25 Apr 2016 21:26 UTC

Can you remove me from the email list?


J.R. Burns
Vice President
Residential Lending
Artisans' Bank
2961 Centerville Road<x-apple-data-detectors://1>
Wilmington, DE 19808<x-apple-data-detectors://1>

302-884-6882<tel:302-884-6882> (Office)
302-753-1079<tel:302-753-1079> (Mobile)
888-552-0667<tel:888-552-0667> (Fax)

On Apr 25, 2016, at 5:25 PM, Beatty, Daniel <<>> wrote:

Attached are some presentation materials for the Silverlake Regional User Group meeting on 5/5 -5/6/16.


Dan Beatty
SVP, Chief Operating Officer
First Hope Bank

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<SilverLake 2016 RUG Deposit Defects_635959776814256689.pdf>


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