Xperience issues Munroe, Russ A (13 Jun 2018 19:26 UTC)
FW: [EXTERNAL] SilverLake MA-RUG Xperience issues Munroe, Russ A (05 Jul 2018 18:56 UTC)
RE: Xperience issues Cindy Motichka (14 Jun 2018 12:53 UTC)
RE: Xperience issues Heidi Fletcher (14 Jun 2018 23:56 UTC)
RE: Xperience issues Kim Dove (15 Jun 2018 15:17 UTC)
RE: Xperience issues Heidi Fletcher (15 Jun 2018 15:31 UTC)
RE: Xperience issues Sheryl L Montgomery (15 Jun 2018 20:06 UTC)
RE: Xperience issues Maria Reichart (28 Jun 2018 21:39 UTC)
Re: SilverLake MA-RUG RE: Xperience issues Kim Dove (29 Jun 2018 01:53 UTC)

Re: SilverLake MA-RUG RE: Xperience issues Kim Dove 29 Jun 2018 01:53 UTC
Maria, unfortunately we have heard this time and time again.  We are told that it doesn't work in Xperience that we must do it Browser.  We are reporting each of these incidents as well to our CRM who reports this to JHA.  It's frustrating I know but we are still experiencing these incidents as well even though we were a converted bank to Xperience and not on Browswe.


Sent from my iPad

On Jun 28, 2018, at 5:39 PM, Maria Reichart <xxxxxx@shoreunitedbank.com<mailto:xxxxxx@shoreunitedbank.com>> wrote:


We recently opened a case due to a loan billing issue we had. Originally the  loan was set up (incorrectly) with a payment code 5 (P&I at maturity). We corrected it to code for billing of interest due monthly when we were notified of the incorrect billing. We made the correction in Xperience. The next month the billing reverted back to billing a full maturity bill.

The response from JHA support was “this type of maintenance works best when done  in browser”. Obviously, that is not the response we were looking for. We are addressing this with our CRM but thought we would make MAUG aware as well. We are going to watch this particular account to see if the maintenance we did in browser vs Xperience did fix the issue. Either way, the maintenance needs to work behind the scenes in both platforms and if there is a known issue in Xperience with any type of maintenance it should be communicated.

Has anyone else been given a similar response from JHA support?

The case# is 10798193.

Maria Reichart
Vice President, Senior Loan Operations Officer
Our mission is your success.
Shore United Bank | 28969 Information Ln Easton, MD 21601
Office: 410-763-8289 | Mobile: 410-310-1213 | Internal: x39150 | Fax: 410-763-8415
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Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 3:26 PM
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Subject: SilverLake MA-RUG Xperience issues

Hello all – as per our conversation on today’s call, please email with some of the issues you’re all experiencing with Xperience.  Include the case #’s if applicable.

I will compile all the responses into one list and see if I can get someone from JHA to address/discuss in our next group call.

[Genesee Regional Bank]

Russ Munroe

VP, Bank Operations Manager


Genesee Regional Bank

1850 South Winton Road
Rochester, NY 14618

phone: 585-419-8147

fax: 585-218-4289

email: xxxxxx@grbbank.com<mailto:xxxxxx@grbbank.com>


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